Monday, March 11, 2019

What is Cement and What are the Different Types of Cement ?(10+)

Hello , all of you guys thanks for vising this blog and reading about Cement and its type. on this blog , we shares posts article on Construction Materials ,Buying Guides etc. and today we are sharing what is cement and What are the different types of Cement. so lets get started.

What Is Cement ?

Cement is a prominent construction material.Cement is a primary constituent of concrete, mortar, plaster, etc. which are the basic building materials. There are different types of cement manufactured to meet different physical and chemical requirements for specific construction projects. In some special construction project, ordinary Portland cement may not be compatible.

Source : Quora

A number of different types of cement are manufactured, by varying the ratio of the raw material and/or by adding some additional materials. 

Different Types of Cement

    01.Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

      Ordinary Portland cement is the most common type of cement which is manufactured and widely used worldwide. It is used for all ordinary purposes such as making concrete, mortar, plaster etc. OPC is available in three different grades namely grade 33, 43 and 53.

        02. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)

          Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) is a variation of ordinary Portland cement (OPC), which includes a mixture of pozzolanic materials, OPC and gypsum. The different pozzolanic materials used are fly ash, rice husk ash, volcanic tuffs, etc. Fly ash is most commonly used pozzolanic material. The heat of hydration rate is lower in this type of cement. There are many advantages of PPC over PPC, which has made it prominent in the construction industry. Nowadays, some manufacturers are only manufacturing PPC.

            03. Rapid Hardening Cement

              Rapid hardening cement attains high strength in early days as compared to OPC. It has other properties quite similar to that of Ordinary Portland cement, but it is a bit finer than OPC. It has more lime and C3S than OPC which helps in gaining strength early.

                04. Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

                  Extra rapid hardening cement is obtained by addition of calcium chloride to rapid hardening cement. Calcium chloride added helps in accelerating the hardening and setting processes.The compressive strength of Extra Rapid Hardening cement is about 25% higher than that of Rapid Hardening Cement at one or two days.

                    05. Quick Setting Cement

                      Quick setting cement sets faster as compared to OPC, but the rate of gain of strength remains the same. In these types of cement, the quantity of gypsum, which acts as a retarder is reduced. It has an initial setting time of 5 minutes and a final setting time of 30 minutes.

                              06. Low Heat Cement

                                Low heat cement is obtained by reducing the content of C3A and increasing the content of C2A. The name itself indicates this types of cement will release low heat of hydration. Low heat cement has more initial setting time as compared to OPC.

                                    07. Sulphate Resisting Cement

                                      Sulphate resisting cement is beneficial in the area where the concrete is vulnerable to sulphates attack. This types of cement have less contents of C3S and C4AF.

                                            08. Portland Slag Cement

                                              It is special blended cement with low heat of hydration. The by-product from a blast furnace, i.e. slag is used in the manufacturing of Portland slag cement. It is less expensive as compared to OPC. Portland slag cement has less heat of hydration as compared to OPC.

                                                    09. High Alumina Cement

                                                      High alumina cement is obtained by melting bauxite during the manufacturing process of OPC. It has a high compressive strength and is more workable as compared to OPC. It attains high strength in less time and has initial and final setting time of 3.5 hours and 5 hours respectively.

                                                              10. White Cement

                                                                White cement is obtained by using raw materials which are free from iron oxide in the manufacturing of cement. Lime and china clay are used in more amounts in its manufacturing. White cement has all other properties similar to an ordinary Portland cement. It is expensive as compared to OPC.

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